Anjali Keshava
Dancer, Dance Teacher, Choreographer
The dancer, dance teacher and arts manager Anjali Keshava performs as a solo artist and with the Kalasri dance ensemble. She teaches at Kalasri in Basel Bharatanatyam and conducts cultural projects in schools. Anjali Keshava, the eldest daughter of Esther Jenny and D. Keshava, grew up with dance, music and yoga. She started learning the classical Bharatanatyam dance style from her father at the age of five. Soon she appeared in several dance programs together with her parents and the Kalasri Children Dance Group. In 1992 she received a cultural advancement award for young talents in Basel. After an appearance on Swiss TV, she was invited to perform as a dancer in the Bregenz Festival production of 1995, the opera Francesa da Rimini. In the same year she absolved her Arangetram, the graduation solo debut of an Indian dancer, and decided to adopt a career as a professional dancer. She pursued her education with her parents and with further trainings in Bangalore, Mysore and Kolkata in Bharatanatyam, Kathak and Carnatic music. Since her Arangetram she has been dancing as a soloist and with the Kalasri Dance Ensemble on many stages and at festivals in Switzerland, India, Germany, Austria and France. Several performances have also been broadcasted by the Swiss and Indian TV. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education (2003) and a Master of Advanced Studies in Arts Management (University of Basel, 2008). Anjali Keshava travels to conduct workshops and courses in various schools (Fastenopfer, artlink, mus-e, dance-moves-kids, International schools and a range of other school projects). She has also been acting as a arts manager for the Kalasri Dance Ensemble and several cultural projects.

Some Important Appearances
- 2021 Tanztheater „zwei zu zwei“ mit Keshava/Tharayil, Koproduktion Kaserne Basel
- 2021 Solo Input-Tanztheaterstück „Ajala“ zum Thema Klimagerechtigkeit, CH-Tournee
- 2019 Auftritte im Schweizerischen Nationalmuseum Zürich
- 2008-19 Kalasri-Produktionen «Diwali»
- 2017 Solistin, Bharatanatyam Programm von Kalasri am Psalm Festival in Graz mit Musikensemble (AUT)
- 2017 Arangetram ihrer Schülerin Marina Weiss, Basel
- 2016 Soloauftritte im Schweizerischen Nationalmuseum, Schwyz, Ausstellung «Märchen, Magie und Trudi Gerste»
- 2016 Auftritt mit Kalasri im Hallenstadion Zürich, Energy Fashion Night
- 2016/2017 «Himalaya» Solistin und künstlerische Mitarbeit im Tanz- und Musiktheater in Basel, Bern, Rubigen, Waldshut (DEU)
- 2014 Museum der Kulturen Basel
- 2014 Solistin in «Moving Sculptures»-Tournee in Basel, Luzern, Lugano, Bern, St. Gallen
- 2010 eingeladen als «featured speaker» zum «European Council of International Schools», Nizza (FRA)
- 2009/10 Solistin in Kalasri-Produktion «Pancha Bhuta – Die fünf Elemente»
- 2009/10 Auftritt mit Chor der Nationen, KKL Luzern
- 2007 Solistin in Kalasri-Produktion «Biblische Geschichten»
- 2006 Solistin: Skydance «Musik- und Tanzshow», Tournee Schweiz
- 2006 Solistin in Kalasri-Produktion «Bollywood-Night»
- 2005 Solistin in Kalasri-Produktion «Feuervogel» (zur Musik von I. Strawinsky)
- 2003 Tanz-Festival Mysore
- 2002 Solistin in Kalasri-Produktion «Bhava, Raga, Tala»
- 2001 Solistin in Kalasri Produktion «Navagraha – Sonne, Mond und Planeten»
- 1999 Best of Prix Walo – Sprungbrett
- 1999 Solistin in der Kalasri-Produktion «Die Weibliche Gottheit»
- 1997 Schweizer Vertretung am «Miss India Worldwide Pageant» in Mumbai
- 1997 Solistin in Kalasri-Produktion «Die vier Jahreszeiten» (zur Musik von A. Vivaldi)
- 1997 Auftritt an Museumstaufe, Museum der Kulturen Basel
- 1996 Engagement als Solistin am Asienfestival, Musik der Welt, Basel
- 1996 Solistin in Kalasri- Produktion «Die vier Tanzstile Indiens»
- 1995 Arangetram (erstes Solodebut)
- 1995 Engagement am Internationalen Tanzfestival in Mysore zu Ehren der 70. Geburtstagsfeier des Königs von Mysore
- 1994 Engagement als Solistin in der Oper «Francesca da Rimini» an den Bregenzer Festspielen
- 1993 Solistin in Kalasri-Produktion «Ramayana» – Tanztheater des Indischen Epos
- 1992 Kulturförderpreis für junge Talente
- 1991 Engagements an der Schweizerischen 700-Jahrfeier mit «Esther und Keshava»