Yoga Classes
Man’s body could be compared with a musical instrument which has to be tuned before a harmonious melody can be played on it.
Yoga is a thousands of years old unique Indian system of physical and spiritual exercises. It can help any person to find physical flexibility, relaxation and inner peace, regardless of his or her cultural background. Yoga exercises serve to “tune” the body so that together with spirit and soul it may form a “harmonious” whole.
A warm welcome to our Yoga school!

Yoga Classes
Esther Jenny and D. Keshava offer courses for different levels of ability and experience: beginners, intermediate, advanced. The groups are kept small in order to give each student the individual attention he or she needs. The group classes are scheduled from Monday to Friday evenings, some also on midday. Private classes according to agreement.

Yoga Practice
About the effects of Asanas (positions), Pranayama (breathing), relaxation and Dhyana (meditation).

Our Studio
The Kalasri Dance and Yoga Studio is centrally situated at Freie Strasse 3, close to the Marktplatz in Basel. The German and French border being close, frequenting the Kalasri classes is also possible for interested people from the adjoining countries. In an ideal studio room with Indian atmosphere, the expert teachers Vidwan D. Keshava, Esther Jenny, Anjali and Sumitra Keshava teach authentic classes for adults, adolescents and children. The groups are kept small in order to give each student the individual attention he or she needs. From SBB Swiss Railway Station, the studio can be reached easily by either tram no. 8 or no. 11 in approximately 8 minutes to the “Marktplatz” stop. The walking distance would take approx. 12 minutes. From the German Railway Station Badischer Bahnhof, the Marktplatz can be reached by tram no 6 in a few minutes.